Basel timing
Basel timing

basel timing

Johann Gate, the Spalentor Gate and the St. Soon afterwards, the city was surrounded by the outer City Walls, which also enclosed the newly constructed suburbs: The St. The outbreak of fires in particular caused massive damage in the city. A strong earthquake then occurred seven years later. The population blamed the Jews for this disaster, and burned them all. Alban Gateīasel was not spared when the plague swept through Europe: the epidemic broke out in 1349 and claimed many victims. The visible expression of this political and economic advancement could be seen in the representative buildings that were built: the new Town Hall (in 1340), the Arsenal, the Lohnhof, the Hospital and the guild halls.Ĭouncil, University and Confederates St. By largely removing the rule of the bishop, the City also succeeded in repelling the political claims of the Habsburgs. The Mayor, the senior Guild Masters and the Council now formed the city government, which ruled the whole of public life. At the same time, the local communities secured a considerable amount of autonomy through clashes, sometimes violent, with the Prince-Bishop. In the 13th century, he had a bridge built over the Rhine, and then expanded his authority over Kleinbasel, which was combined with Grossbasel in 1392. – was exercised by the Prince-Bishop of Basel through officials drawn from the nobility. The city government – judicial rights, taxation authority, control over markets, coinage, weights and measures etc. The bishops of Basel won favour with the Emperor, as can be seen by the foundation of today’s Munster (consecrated in 1019) by Heinrich II. The power of the Bishop State was based on donations at the end of the 10th century, and the city became part of the Holy Roman Empire soon afterwards. The bishop died in 917 when tribes of Hungarian horsemen attacked the city and destroyed the Carolingian cathedral. The first mention of the name “Basel” appeared in writing in the year 374, when Emperor Valentinian I stayed at the bend on the Rhine.Ĭathedral, Rhine Bridge and Guilds Rhine BridgeĪ Bishop of Augst/Kaiseraugst and «Basileae» is mentioned in the 7th century. After the withdrawal of Roman troops, the Roman population settled in the fort, while the Alemanni spread out to the north of the Rhine and also in Augst. The Romanisation of the region only begins with the Augusta Raurica colony («Roman City» Augst BL) under Emperor Augustus Caesar. The Romans founded the Colonia Raurica at the same location, which they extended into a castle in the 3rd century. The latter area was fortified by the Celts (Rauraci) in the first century BC with the Murus Gallicus (Gallic Wall), whose remains can still be seen near the Münster (cathedral).

basel timing

In the Bronze and Iron Ages, the banks of the Rhine, the area of the old gas factory (now the Novartis Campus) and the Cathedral Hill (Münsterhügel) stood out as the main settlement areas.

basel timing

The first traces of a settlement in Basel are from the middle Paleolithic period (about 130,000 years ago).

Basel timing